Thursday, March 19, 2009

March 19 -- Doctor's Appointment and Next Stop Memphis!

Evan had his two month doctor's appointment today! He will officially be 2 months old tomorrow, I just can't believe it. We are also leaving for Memphis for TEN WHOLE DAYS tomorrow so the next post will be from there. Evan can't wait to meet all his Kiersky family and friends!!

Some stats from today: Evan is 11 lbs, 8 oz and 23.5 inches long. That is almost 2 lbs from a month ago, and 2 whole inches!! He is very healthy, although he definitely proved the reflux theory by barfing ALL OVER the nurse practitioner and me. The NP was amazed at how much liquid came out of him considering it had been over 2 hours since his last feed. The good thing about it, though, is that there was no wailing or whining associated with it, which means the Prevacid is doing its job well and we don't need to put him on an increased dosage. Thank goodness for that ... he is on minimum dosage now.

Evan also got several vaccines today. He was such a champ through the two needlesticks it took to get all of them in him. He yelled really loudly for about 2 mins and then was perfectly fine. However, he spent the rest of the day like this:


which is fine by me since it allowed me to get all my packing done, but I am a bit concerned about how much he will sleep tonight.

So tomorrow is Evan's first trip on an airplane!! Stay tuned...

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