Tuesday, March 10, 2009

March 10 -- Holy Upset Tummy

Evan had a really rough night last night ... he woke up at 3 AM to eat and then wouldn't go back to sleep. We finally got him back down around 5, but he woke up vomiting at 7:30. Poor thing spit up and vomited all day. I spent most of my day mopping up after the poor little guy, who was completely different from his sunny self. When not sleeping (which wasn't often), he was vomiting and crying and/or screaming and/or wailing in pain. I haven't yet experienced a day where my baby is crying in pain and I can't do a thing about it except hug him tight and try to offer what little comfort i can.

At around 12:30 he finally fell asleep wrapped in a blanket and curled up on my chest. Around 2 I had to set him down in his bouncy so that I could grab a quick bite:

Mom, I don't feel good:


Off to Grandma and Grandpa's anyway to meet his cousins. What a trooper:


Evan and cousins Chris and Dean, Chris's girlfriend Katie, and Grandma:


Grandma makes it all better:




I even went out to dinner with the family, although I was pretty cranky through most of it:


Evan is feeling much better at the moment although still a little liquid, so please cross your fingers that he still feels better tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Keep an eye out for yellow poop- that's a sign it's rotavirus. Bless his little heart- at least he can be easily contained at this age. *hug*
