Sunday, May 3, 2009

May 3 -- Under the Weather

Evan woke a few times last night with a lot of congestion and was coughy, sneezy and stuffy in the morning. Seems like he may have caught his first cold!! He was a real trooper though, and he did seem to get a lot better as the day went on, so maybe it isn't actually a cold. It was really muggy in our house last night, and I noticed that Evan was almost instantly better once I turned on the air conditioning. That is a boy who DOES NOT LIKE BEING HOT!!

Evan on his way to Target with Mommy & Daddy to get some nose drops for his stuffy head -- what a trooper:





Evan was smiley, happy & giggly all afternoon, but was a little grumpy after waking from his afternoon nap:


We decided to clip his nails, and Mommy accidentally pinched him pretty darn hard with the clippers. Didn't break the skin, but it was a pretty good pinch on the thumb. Don't know if it was the combination of being grumpy and still not feeling 100%, but Evan had an absolute meltdown!! We have never seen him that hysterical. It took ages to calm him, and even after he was calm for 5 minutes he would suddenly burst into hysterical tears again and then wind down with great big heartbreaking snuffly sobs. If he wanted to make Mommy feel like the worst Mommy in the world, he definitely succeeded!! Something tells me he's going to survive though.

I decided NOT to torture him further with nose drops, however. We'll just do the night wakings tonight.

Evan post-meltdown:


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