Monday, May 18, 2009

May 18 -- Evan is Sick :(

Sorry for the delay in posting, but Evan isn't merely under the weather this time. Poor little guy has so much head & chest congestion it's silly, and after being run in for a look by the doctor this morning it was found that he has a vicious cold (which we knew) and an ear infection which we did not know about so I'm really glad I took him in. No daycare today ... Grandma & Auntie Lisa get the gold star for stepping in and looking after him. The kisses he was getting as I left are just as good medicine as the antibiotics that were prescribed for his ear.

In other news, we found out over the weekend that we got off the list at a better daycare, so this will be Evan's last week at the Turkish prison that he is currently enrolled in. (can you tell I am less than impressed) This one is walking distance from Mommy's office, YAY!! So glad I will be able to scratch my Evan itch whenever I want now. :) It's also accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) which is the gold standard for daycare accreditation. There are lots of fun colors for him to look at, loads of toys, and a much better teacher/student ratio (3:1 as opposed to 4:1 at his current place, and let's be honest there were usually more than 4 kids for every 1 teacher there. There were often 10 kids in his classroom with 2 teachers). Not a swing in sight, and only one bouncy seat. Evan spent most of his day at his current daycare sitting in a bouncy and staring at the walls, or sleeping. Bare walls, few toys and hardly any stimulation for a baby who can't entertain himself much yet. I'm so glad that we found a better place for him.

So I don't have any new pictures but these are from Saturday in the "Evanmobile" as Nana so lovingly calls his little exersaucer. Please keep your fingers crossed that this nasty, nasty cold leaves my baby alone soon.

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