Friday, May 29, 2009

May 28 -- Happy Anniversary to Us

It's our third anniversary and after a wonderful dinner with family and friends, and putting Evan to bed, I was just too exhausted to blog tonight. Go ahead ... call me lazy. I have some cute video though upon our return to the blogosphere. Evan has learned a new sound ... screeching! It's a happy but LOUD screech, and it's his new favorite. Oh boy.

We're heading out to Boston tomorrow and will not return until Monday. Blog posts may be kind of sporadic until Monday night, but hopefully we'll get some fun shots of Evan with his Boston family up as soon as we can!

Fingers crossed that Evan decides not to have screech practice on the plane.

Simone xo

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

May 27 -- Tickle Tickle Evan!

Evan getting his first visit from the Tickle Monster ... he loved it, and I am so annoyed I didn't have the video camera on me! That's for later I guess ...




May 26 -- Pretty Cute Little Guy

We're settling into our new after-daycare routine so I didn't get a chance to take many pictures. By the way, Evan loves his new daycare. He is the only boy in a roomful of adorable little girls, so that could be part of it. But there are loads of fun toys and colors to look at and they take a lot of time to work on the kids' developmental skills so he's not just sitting in a bouncy all day staring at the walls. Plus, he gets snuggles from Mommy during lunch. :) He has already charmed the pants off of his teachers who marvel at how much he likes to smile and how good-natured he is.

Developmentally, Evan can all of a sudden roll from tummy to back with no problem. As soon as I put him down for "tummy time" he's on his back in a flash. I guess that's the end of forced tummy time. :) Oh well, he hated it anyway.

Here is Evan before bed :

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Monday, May 25, 2009

May 25 -- Even the Best Babies Get the Blues

Evan was as "cross as two sticks" today, as his Nana would have put it. There definitely seems to be some teething going on, and there were some obvious tummy issues too (some of which happened all over Daddy ... I won't go into specifics). Poor guy just can't catch a break lately!!

However, Evan apparently hoped that devouring his beloved Mr. Octopus would help:

Mmm ... octopus.

Evan starts his new daycare tomorrow and Mommy is a bit nervous considering he was out of sorts today ... hope all goes well tomorrow! Stay tuned! ;)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

May 24 -- More Fun at Grandma & Grampy's

Here's video of Evan sooo tired in his little seat ... apparently being this overtired is the baby version of 6 drinks:

On a personal note, SO many hugs & kisses to Grandma, Grampy & Auntie Lisa for letting us invade their home for over a week and for giving Evan all the love, kisses, Irish lullabies and trips around the house in his stroller that he needed to get better. We are all eternally grateful & miss you already!!

May 23 -- Relishing the Start of Summer

Evan swimming in the pool with Daddy! (and being guarded by a wary Julie, who is very protective of Evan and who thinks we are going to do him harm at any time)

My little water bug!

Our family in the pool:

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Evan and Grampy!

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Chillin at the family's first backyard cookout:

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My little reader!!

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Feasting on Mr. Frog:

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Relaxing with Grampy after a big day!

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Saturday, May 23, 2009

May 22 -- Start of a Lovely Holiday Weekend!

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The Three Musketeers:

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Oh, how I love my Grandma:

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Evan talking to Auntie Lisa (and hiccuping):

Friday, May 22, 2009

May 21 -- An Ode to Grandma and Auntie Lisa

Evan's beloved Grandma and Auntie Lisa are unbelievable women who stepped in to watch Evan ALL WEEK while he was sick, so that Will and I didn't have to miss a lot of work and so we didn't have to send him back to daycare once he started showing some improvement. I know Grandma being a Mom herself knows how much it means to me that they were was available to smother my boy with all the love & kisses he needed to get well. And he is much improved, at last!!

Evan in the sun with Grandma:

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Today Evan is officially FOUR MONTHS OLD!! He is 15 lbs, 4 oz, and a whopping 26 inches long. He is in the 50-75th percentile for weight (despite all he eats ... where is it all going?!? maybe he got the chaffee metabolism after all!!), and the 90th percentile for height!! The pediatrician was very pleased with his developmental progress too and marveled at how strong he is.

Four months old ... time to See Evan Grow!!

Evan at birth





One month old




Two months old



Three months old



Four months old -- today





My baby is getting so big!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May 19 -- Cold? Ha! I Laugh at Colds!

Evan spent another day with Grandma & Auntie Lisa getting smothered with love & attention, and it has really helped! He is feeling so much better!

See, I'm OK Mom!

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(oh how i love seeing him smile again...)

Going for a walk with Mommy & Auntie Lisa ... because I've got a cold, Grandma insisted on bundling me like I'm trekking through the Arctic!

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And to prove to us that he really is feeling better ... Evan LAUGHED for the first time tonight! Grampy gets the gold star for bringing the first laugh...

More laughing ... I had to shoot and hold him at the same time so not as good (and Grandma & Grandpa's dogs were going crazy)

Monday, May 18, 2009

May 18 -- Evan is Sick :(

Sorry for the delay in posting, but Evan isn't merely under the weather this time. Poor little guy has so much head & chest congestion it's silly, and after being run in for a look by the doctor this morning it was found that he has a vicious cold (which we knew) and an ear infection which we did not know about so I'm really glad I took him in. No daycare today ... Grandma & Auntie Lisa get the gold star for stepping in and looking after him. The kisses he was getting as I left are just as good medicine as the antibiotics that were prescribed for his ear.

In other news, we found out over the weekend that we got off the list at a better daycare, so this will be Evan's last week at the Turkish prison that he is currently enrolled in. (can you tell I am less than impressed) This one is walking distance from Mommy's office, YAY!! So glad I will be able to scratch my Evan itch whenever I want now. :) It's also accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) which is the gold standard for daycare accreditation. There are lots of fun colors for him to look at, loads of toys, and a much better teacher/student ratio (3:1 as opposed to 4:1 at his current place, and let's be honest there were usually more than 4 kids for every 1 teacher there. There were often 10 kids in his classroom with 2 teachers). Not a swing in sight, and only one bouncy seat. Evan spent most of his day at his current daycare sitting in a bouncy and staring at the walls, or sleeping. Bare walls, few toys and hardly any stimulation for a baby who can't entertain himself much yet. I'm so glad that we found a better place for him.

So I don't have any new pictures but these are from Saturday in the "Evanmobile" as Nana so lovingly calls his little exersaucer. Please keep your fingers crossed that this nasty, nasty cold leaves my baby alone soon.

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Sunday, May 17, 2009

May 16 -- Fun with Family

Evan playing with his new favorite toy and his aunties and daddy (yes, we did wipe the spit-up up ... )

More of Evan playing!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

May 15 -- Aunt Elena is Back!






Eating Chinese with the family:




Friday, May 15, 2009

May 14 -- My Friend the Frog

Stop touching me Mr. Frog!

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Oh thank you that's much better!

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